by calligraphyconference_6d7jxc | Apr 24, 2021 | Instructor Class Page
Elmo van Slingerland FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Elmo taught the following 3-Day Workshop at Legacies III:Broad-edged pen: Roman Capitals Broad-edged pen: Roman Capitals Born in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Studied at the...
by calligraphyconference_6d7jxc | Apr 24, 2021 | Instructor Class Page
Eleanor Winters FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Eleanor taught the following 2-Day Workshops at Legacies III:Gothicized ItalicCopperplate Boot Camp Gothicized Italic Eleanor Winters has been an active participant in the international calligraphy...
by calligraphyconference_6d7jxc | Apr 24, 2021 | Instructor Class Page
Suzanne Cunningham FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Suzanne taught the following 2-Day Workshop at Legacies III:Beginning Copperplate Script Beginning Copperplate Script Suzanne Cunningham is a professional calligrapher with over 27 years of experience. She has taught...
by calligraphyconference_6d7jxc | Apr 24, 2021 | Instructor Class Page
Sally Penley FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Sally taught the following 2-Day Workshop and Mini Classes (M) at Legacies III:Sensational Sumi!(M) Pastel Dusting Technique(M) Pleated Scroll Book Sensational Sumi! Pastel Dusting Technique Pleated Scroll Book Sally Penley...
by calligraphyconference_6d7jxc | Apr 24, 2021 | Instructor Class Page
Cora Pearl FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Cora taught the following Workshops at Legacies III:Hand Lettering with the Folded PenMonoline Lettering with a B NibMonoline Lettering Techniques(T) Foundation Tune Up class Monoline Lettering...
by calligraphyconference_6d7jxc | Apr 24, 2021 | Instructor Class Page
Julie Wildman Julie will be teaching the following workshops at Legacies III: The Inside Curve Alphabet Alphabet Book Akim Variations & Long Compositions Biography Julie Wildman is a highly regarded professional in the fields of graphic design, commercial...
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