Elmo van Slingerland

Elmo van Slingerland www.facebook.com/elmo.vanslingerland FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Elmo taught the following 3-Day Workshop at Legacies III:Broad-edged pen: Roman Capitals Broad-edged pen: Roman Capitals Born in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Studied at the...

Eleanor Winters

Eleanor Winters www.alamemoireparis.com FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Eleanor taught the following 2-Day Workshops at Legacies III:Gothicized ItalicCopperplate Boot Camp Gothicized Italic Eleanor Winters has been an active participant in the international calligraphy...

Suzanne Cunningham

Suzanne Cunningham FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Suzanne taught the following 2-Day Workshop at Legacies III:Beginning Copperplate Script Beginning Copperplate Script Suzanne Cunningham is a professional calligrapher with over 27 years of experience. She has taught...

Sally Penley

Sally Penley FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Sally taught the following 2-Day Workshop and Mini Classes (M) at Legacies III:Sensational Sumi!(M) Pastel Dusting Technique(M) Pleated Scroll Book Sensational Sumi! Pastel Dusting Technique Pleated Scroll Book Sally Penley...

Cora Pearl

Cora Pearl FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow www.corapearlcalligraphy.com Cora taught the following Workshops at Legacies III:Hand Lettering with the Folded PenMonoline Lettering with a B NibMonoline Lettering Techniques(T) Foundation Tune Up class Monoline Lettering...

Julie Wildman1

Julie Wildman Julie will be teaching the following workshops at Legacies III: The Inside Curve Alphabet Alphabet Book Akim Variations & Long Compositions Biography Julie Wildman is a highly regarded professional in the fields of graphic design, commercial...