Jacqueline Sullivan

Jacqueline Sullivan FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Jacqueline taught the following 2-Day Workshops and Mini Classes (M) at Legacies III:Cold Wax Calligraphic AbstractsMarkmakings, Words & Art(M) Mini Book Madness(M) Calligraphy & Mark Making with the Gel Plate...

Linda Schneider

Linda Schneider FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Linda taught the following 1-Day Workshops at Legacies III:The Graceful Marker: Pointed Brush ScriptCalligraphy on the Go! Writing on GlassCalligraphy on the Go!Creating Smiles While  Writing on Anything & Everything...

Robbie Saslow

Robbie Saslow FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Robbie taught the following Workshops and Mini-class at Legacies III:Round & Robust: Exploring UncialSimple & Semitic(M) Playing with Pens & Pencils Round & Robust: Exploring Uncial Simple & Semitic Playing With...

Suzanne Moore

Suzanne Moore FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Suzanne taught the following workshops at Legacies III:Page Dazzle: Patent Leaf Gilding In the Glow of Gouache Page Dazzle: Patent Leaf Gilding In the Glow of Gouache Born to a family of gifted inventor-engineers, raised in...

Carrie Imai

Carrie Imai FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow carriedesigns.com Carrie taught the following Workshops and Mini Class (M) at Legacies III:Playful LettersMark My Words(T) Mastering Italic Tune Up(M) Blame It On The Tools Playful Letters Mastering Italic Tune Up Carrie has...

Thomas Hoyer

Thomas Hoyer www.callitype.com FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Thomas taught the following 2-Day Workshops at Legacies III:Dynamic TexturesRuling Pens Beyond the RulesThe Alchemist’s Magic Dynamic Textures Ruling Pens Beyond the Rules The Alchemist’s Magic Thomas Hoyer...