Heather Held

Heather Held FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Heather taught two 1-Day Workshops at Legacies III:Victorian Frames & Labels and The Glittering Vine Victorian Frames & Labels The Glittering Vine Heather Victoria Held is a Canadian freelance-lettering artist who...

Mike Gold

Mike Gold FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Mike taught the following Workshops and Mini-class at Legacies III:Breaking The RulesSpontaneous CreationVariations in A Breaking the Rules Spontaneous Creation Variations in A Mike Gold has worked as a commercial lettering...

Tamer Ghoneim

Tamer Ghoneim BlackletterFoundry.com FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Tamer taught the following Workshops at Legacies III:Blackletter Circles on SteroidsGothic Lettering Magic with Procreate Blackletter Circles on Steroids Gothic Lettering Magic with Procreate Tamer...

Risa Gettler

Risa Gettler www.risagettler.art FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Risa taught the 2-Day Workshop Visigothic Versals and Mini Class Painting Knotty Letters  at Legacies III. Visigothic Versals I was at an outdoor beach café in the summer of 2003 when I was captured by...

Carol DuBosch

Carol DuBosch www.caroldubosch.com FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Carol taught the following Workshops at Legacies III:Bone Script: Bookhand with a TwistBen Shahn LetteringStamp Carving Ben Shahn Lettering Any day that I can open a bottle of ink, is a good day. It...

Barbara Close

Barbara Close www.barbclose.com FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Barbara taught the following Workshops at Legacies III:Letters & BlossomsGraphite Explorations Letters & Blossoms Graphite Explorations Barbara is an internationally known calligrapher/artist and...