Gemma Black
Gemma taught Drawing the Fibonacci Sequence, a 1-Day Workshop at Legacies III
Based in Tasmania, Australia, Gemma has a studio practice as a calligrapher and allied crafts. Having studied mostly classical calligraphy Gemma takes a new and modern approach to her work and teaching.
In 1991 she received a Winston Churchill Fellowship to study in Europe. She is a Fellow of the Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society in the UK and teaches for organisations throughout Australia and has also internationally in Spain, Italy, Germany, the USA, Canada, South Africa and the UK.
With the changes the covid pandemic has brought to the world Gemma has tried to put this time to good use, researching, writing articles and developing new courses and teaching methods. And when she’s not doing these things she is just mucking about in the studio.
Her work is housed in private and public collections including the Australian Archives, the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge UK, the European Parliament, Letterform Archive San Francisco and Parliament House Canberra. Gemma loves calligraphy history, the evolution of the western alphabet from the Greco-Roman period through to the 21st century and shares her passion and love for letterforms with enthusiasm.
Gemma Black “Curiosity is the path to learning …”
Yukimi Annand
Suzie Beringer
Gemma Black
Ivan Castro
Annie Cicale
Barbara Close
Suzanne Cunningham
Judy Detrick
Carol DuBosch
Jessie Fora
Risa Gettler
Tamer Ghoneim
Mike Gold
Heather Held
Nancy Hills
Thomas Hoyer
Carrie Imai
Gina Jonas
Salman Khattak
Rob Leuschke
Marta Mapelli
Heather Martinez
Holly Monroe
Suzanne Moore
Lorna Mulligan
Michele Nidenoff
Cora Pearl
Sally Penley
Jan Pickett
Ali Riccardo
Robbie Saslow
Linda Schneider
Carol Measures Scott
Marina Soria
Jacqueline Sullivan
Janet Takahashi
Nina Tran
Elmo van Slingerland
Mark Van Stone
Jurgen Vercaemst
Julie Wildman
Eleanor Winters