Make sure you have your choices all ready to enter – (the system will “time-out” at 20 minutes).
For best results, use a computer and Chrome browser.
To start the registration process go to the WELCOME page.
The Welcome page offers a step-by-step overview shown below:
1. Select REGISTER NOW button.
2. Complete the Personal Information page and select NEXT.
NOTE: The “Country” dropdown field MUST be completed prior to filling out the City and State/Province field.
3. Choose one of the six the packages (Schedule A-F) on the Registration Items page, then select NEXT.
- Schedule A: (5) 1 Day Workshops
- Schedule B: (3) 1 Day Workshops + (1) 2 Day Workshop
- Schedule C: (2) 1 Day Workshops + (1) 3 Day Workshop
- Schedule D: (1) 2 Day Workshop + (1) 3 Day Workshop
- Schedule E: (2) 2 Day Workshops + (1) 1 Day Workshop
- Schedule F: (3) 2 Day Workshops (this package increases tuition by $65.00 for an extra sixth day).
4. Make your Workshop selections. It’s OK to overlap since you will be able to view the recording – (provided the Workshop meets the required minimum enrollment by June 1st).
Mini-classes may be added to your Workshop selections at this time.
5. Select NEXT.
6. Select the Terms & Conditions on the Registration Summary page, then select NEXT.
7. Select the payment type (Save $10 when you send a paper check in a Pony Express Decorated Envelope!).
8. Select SUBMIT to “place your order”!
9. A confirmation will be sent your your inbox.
Make sure you have your choices all ready to enter – (the system will “time-out” at 20 minutes).
For best results: use a computer (rather than a phone or tablet) and Chrome browser. Clear the cache and cookies.
If you are returning to modify your registration to change Workshop selections, or add Mini-classes follow these steps:
1. Select MODIFY REGISTRATION. Have your Confirmation Number ready.
2. Enter your email and Confirmation Number.
3. Personal Information page complete questions if necessary.
4. Select NEXT.
5. Select or Change the Registration Type (SCHEDULE) to one of the following packages:
- Schedule A: (5) 1 Day Workshops
- Schedule B: (3) 1 Day Workshops + (1) 2 Day Workshop
- Schedule C: (2) 1 Day Workshops + (1) 3 Day Workshop
- Schedule D: (1) 2 Day Workshop + (1) 3 Day Workshop
- Schedule E: (2) 2 Day Workshops + (1) 1 Day Workshop
- Schedule F: (3) 2 Day Workshops (this package increases tuition by $65.00 for an extra sixth day).
To make an alternate selection, deselect the previously selected Workshop, then select another.
7. Mini-classes can be selected and are located towards the bottom of the list.
8. Select NEXT.
9. REGISTRATION SUMMARY page – Confirm your selections.
10. Select the Terms & Conditions, then select NEXT.
11. Select Payment type (if applicable) on ORDER SUMMARY page.
12. Select SUBMIT to finalize.
13. A confirmation will be sent your your inbox.