Rob Leuschke
Rob taught the following 3-Day Workshop at Legacies III:
Rob has been creating graphic art, lettering and type design for nearly four decades. A former lettering artist at Hallmark Cards and Director of the Lettering department at Paramount Cards in the mid-1980s, Rob turned his experience and skills into a very successful freelance career in 1987. He has lectured and taught workshops in Germany, England, Canada and of course, the United States. Working under his foundry name TypeSETit, Rob’s acclaimed handwritten script typeface designs have inspired other lettering artists and font creators to think outside the box of traditional type design. Those who have taken his workshops have been surprised by Rob’s ability to expose hidden talents within his students.
Yukimi Annand
Suzie Beringer
Gemma Black
Ivan Castro
Annie Cicale
Barbara Close
Suzanne Cunningham
Judy Detrick
Carol DuBosch
Jessie Fora
Risa Gettler
Tamer Ghoneim
Mike Gold
Heather Held
Nancy Hills
Thomas Hoyer
Carrie Imai
Gina Jonas
Salman Khattak
Rob Leuschke
Marta Mapelli
Heather Martinez
Holly Monroe
Suzanne Moore
Lorna Mulligan
Michele Nidenoff
Cora Pearl
Sally Penley
Jan Pickett
Ali Riccardo
Robbie Saslow
Linda Schneider
Carol Measures Scott
Marina Soria
Jacqueline Sullivan
Janet Takahashi
Nina Tran
Elmo van Slingerland
Mark Van Stone
Jurgen Vercaemst
Julie Wildman
Eleanor Winters